2019-03-17 Neighborhood Search for Jack

Family, Jack, Pets

UPDATE: Jack is back home!

Jack is still missing, please call us if you see him!

So I searched again systematically through what we think is the most likely area for Jack to be in right now.  That would be I-476 to the West, Route 30 to the North, S Ithan Ave to the East and Conestoga Rd to the Sourh.

I had a handheld FLIR thermal imaging camera to help look into bushes and trees, which did work well at finding squirrels and other small woodland creatures.

I started out at 9:01a and was too tired to go on anymore at 11:11a, after walking 4.88 miles in total.  I tried to hit just about every street in the area above, and came close to getting them all.

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