New Swing Set for the Children

Children, Family, Finn, Fun, Home, Maura, Other, Photography, Pictures, Shea

Well we’ve been busy with the backyard lately.

Last fall we had lost some limbs on some of the very tall (40-50 foot or so) trees in our backyard. The branches fell into the area we had that was full of overgrowth of brush, bushes and small trees that we had wanted to clear out for some time now. So I started, but accumulated a gigantic pile of branches that had to be chipped up and only got 20 feet (out of maybe 100 feet) cleared.

Since Bridget thought the idea of me having a more powerful chain saw and renting a wood chipper was a “bad idea”, we hired the “Tree Guys” to come out and finish the job. I am glad we did, since I had a bad back, and it took 4 guys all day to finish. Once they did, it really made the backyard look so much better, and gave us back a couple thousand square feet of backyard that we didn’t have access to before.

A couple weeks ago we found a half-off deal on a very nice swing set from Creative Playthings. We had looked at their stuff before and liked it, and Siobhan’s school just put in 2 new swing sets there from them. It has a covered fort with rock wall and ladder on the one side, rope wall on the other side, and a slide. Under the fort is a tire swing, and there is a swing beam with 2 sling swings, a ring trapeze and a back-to-back glider. We also have an infant swing as well we can put in.

In order to put the swing set in, we needed a flat area, so we hired Todd from Liberty Tree Service in Malvern to come out. They did a great job getting it ready, and will be coming out again to put down play mulch and maybe do some other finishing work.

Siobhan is on her way home from school right now, I can’t wait to see her face when she sees her new swing set!

You can see all of the pictures here

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