Siobhán’s 9 Months Update


Siobhán is just growing up so big, so quickly!  At 9 months old her weight is 19 pounds, she is 28 inches long and her head is measuring 17 1/2 inches.

She starting crawling on July 3rd when we were down the shore at my cousin Bob’s house.  She was crawling a bit backwards before this… but this was the first time she made any forward progress.  I was on the floor playing with her, when she started to move towards some keys (she loves keys, cell phones, laptops, jewelry… pretty much anything expensive!).  So when I moved the keys further away from her (bad daddy), she kept going for them.  Without thinking about it, she moved over 4 feet.

Now there is no stopping her, she moves to whereever she wants to go like lighting.  She is also pulling herself up and standing very well whenever she has something to hold onto.  She can even walk a bit if she’s holding on to something to help her.

She also now has her 2 top teeth in, to give her 4 now.  And she is a very good eater!  There actually isn’t much she doesn’t like.  She is also babbling pretty well now, so we are looking for her to start using words pretty soon.

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